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5 things you may not know about your nails

You are probably wondering why your nails break, or why your nails make “waves”, or surely what is the white spot on your finger that appeared by magic? Or why do your nails hurt? In this article, the nail supply expert Maryton will explain everything to you.

1. They never stop pushing and don’t push in the same way!

Fingernails grow on average 3.5 millimeters per month, unlike toenails which grow on average 1.6 millimeters per month. It is also true that nails tend to grow faster in winter than in summer. If your nails grow several times quickly, don’t panic, it’s a sign of good health!

2. The white spots on my nails are due to what?

Don’t panic when you see small white spots on your nails, as these are just the aftereffects of the vibrations we’ve exerted on our nails, like bending. During the impact, an air bubble is lodged under the nail and the skin.

3. Why do I have yellow marks on my nails?

Most often its yellow marks are due to excessive use of tobacco but not that it can also come from diabetes or perhaps one of the side effects of chemotherapy, or even taking antibiotics.

4. Why do my nails hurt so much?

There are multiple reasons why your nails are sore and here are the most common reasons:

  • Mycoses.
  • Ingrown toenails.
  • A bacterial infection.
  • Cysts.
  • Lack of iron.
  • Paronychia (inflammation of the edges of the nail).
  • Melanoma.

5. Why do my nails make “waves”?

You must have probably noticed that on your nails there were small waves, let’s see together the causes of this phenomenon such as:

  • Eczema.
  • Repeated shocks.
  • Microbial diseases (rheumatoid, lynches, etc.).
  • Aggressive products such as: (Household products, etc.).
  • Biting your nails regularly.

Hoping that this article has pleased you and will give you ideas! In addition, I also advise you to invest in some professional manicure sets to care for nails.

Read also: Conservation of semi-permanent varnish

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